Riverside Tool & Fastener
The best source in the Hickory area for nails and staples
What We Offer
Riverside carries a complete line of pneumatic and gas powered tools for construction and furniture along with air compressors. Framing nails and finish nails are available in name brands and generics. We also carry roofing nails and flooring staples. All staples for construction and furniture are always stocked. Staples come in narrow, medium, and wide crowns in addition to fine wire and upholstery staples. Hartco clips, Senclamp staples, and hog rings may be special ordered. Button caps for felt and house wrap are also available. Most other specialty fasteners can be ordered. Stainless steel is available in most staples and finish nails. We also have a wide selection of screws for decking and exterior applications, interior applications, cabinets, drywall, and metal.
In addition to tools and fasteners we also stock air hoses, fittings and couplers, hose repair kits, hose reels, pneumatic oil, compressor oil, degreaser, batteries and chargers for Paslode cordless tools, fuel cells, rafter hooks, and more.
Tool Repair and Service
Riverside can repair and service all tools in our product lines. Repairs typically take two to three days on pneumatic tools and one week on gas tools.
Free delivery is available to the greater Hickory area. Orders must be at least $200 to qualify for delivery.